Who? What? Why?

A little introduction…

Hi, my name’s Scarlett and I’m the Founder of Brave Bold Digital. I’ve been lucky enough to work in the digital sector for over 6 years and have always been hugely passionate about women in digital and the tech sector in Teesside. I’ve experienced first hand some of the challenges women face and realized I could be doing so much more to support women in what is a thriving, engaging and exciting sector. Ergo the creation of Brave Bold Digital - a platform to encourage, empower and support women in the digital sector. 

Pleased to meet you…

In my full-time job, I am the (very proud) Head of Brand and Marketing at Aero Commerce based in Teesside. I do plan on sharing a little more about my journey and how I ended up here in the future, but for now, here’s five ‘fun’ facts (i’m cringing internally too, but here we are) to help you get to know me a bit better:

  • I’m a very proud mum to a little boy.

  • I’m 25 years old.

  • I studied Marketing at Teesside University.

  • I’m a qualified beauty therapist.

  • I love a list. 

We have liftoff…

It feels a little scary launching something you have such big plans for, especially when you’re on your own and feels like you’re talking to an empty room (I suppose I am at this point). But, I really hope we can grow Brave Bold Digital into the community and support unit I truly believe it can be. 

So, what is Brave Bold Digital?

Brave Bold Digital is a platform to encourage, empower and support women in the digital sector. Within this we hope to:

  • Provide women in the digital sector with a support unit.

  • Help women uncover the digital sector as a career option and reach their potential. 

  • Educate and inspire young women, the next generation, into the digital sector.

  • Showcase and celebrate the inspirational women in the digital sector.

  • Boost and build the aspirations of women across the digital sector. 

  • Engage women with opportunities available in the sector right now. 

  • Encourage and improve diversity and representation within the digital sector. 

  • Shine a light on our thriving, growing digital sector.  

To infinity, and beyond…

Trying to map out what the next few months looks like for Brave Bold Digital has been a tricky but exciting challenge. There’s this annoyingly practical voice reminding me to “walk before you can run” (lame but sensible). If you were to ask me what you can expect from Brave Bold Digital, my short (but bold) answer would be “big things”. But, my practical, more tangible answer would be in the immediate future to expect a lot of shouting about our platform, a little behind the scenes, a lot of statistics, plenty of education pieces and, hopefully, a growing community of supportive individuals. 

As excited as the short term goals make me, it’s the long term goals that make me snap, crackle and pop like a bowl of rice krispies. The thought of Brave Bold Digital reaching its full potential. 

I’d love Brave Bold Digital to work with Schools, Colleges, and Universities to inspire and educate the next generation of women in digital. I’d love to facilitate Brave Bold Digital meetups to support women in the digital sector and build a real in-person support unit. I’d love to shine a light on the talent that we have in the Teesside tech sector today, through interviews, podcasts, videos and more. But, most importantly, I hope that the community we build along the way helps shape Brave Bold Digital and even if we only help one person feel braver, or only encourage one person to believe in themselves a little more, it’s certainly a step in the right direction. 

In summary…

And there you have it, a little introduction to Brave Bold Digital and the small but hopefully loud voice behind it. 

Whether you are male, or female, in the digital sector, or something completely different - we can all do our bit to support this movement. A like, share, comment, mention, follow - it all helps. The more we can do to raise awareness of Brave Bold Digital, the more women we can impact and the more good we can do.  

I hope you’ll come on this journey with me, and help encourage, empower and support women in the digital sector together. 

If you would like to get involved and support this platform, please reach out to scarlett@bravebolddigital.com